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Current King's
~ Gabe~ Silver classic
Gabe's DNA is clear. PCR's; fecal, blood, URI swabs, fungal are clear. His echocardiogram are consistent with fractions, not moved. No evidence of HCM. Kidneys show no signs of disease. Hip final graded excellent.
Red Silver Shell, "Cannon"
Cannon's PCRs are clear; fecal, blood, swab, and Fungal. DNA is clear.
Echocardiogram, kidney and Preliminary hips are good.
JustCoons Halo of SoulShine, "Halo"
Halo is a silver classic. PCRs are clear; fecal, blood, swab and fungal. DNA is clear.
Pending echo, kidney and hips mid 2023
HISsy Fit Coons I Am "Legend" of SoulShine
Legend is such a sweet boy . I'm so in love with his personality, head butts and our conversations. This boy has it all! Plus, he's a patty paw 4x4.
Retired Kings
~ Lynx ~ Blue high white
Lynx's DNA is clear. PCR's fecal, blood, URI swabs, fungal are clear. Echocardiogram fractions within normal limits (next due in July 2022). Hips done and pending grade. When done I will update. They didn't see any evidence of hip dysplasia. Retired 2022
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