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~ Zelda ~ Blue torbie mitted

Zelda's DNA is clear. PCR's; fecal, blood, URI swabs, fungal are clear. Her echocardiograms' are consistent with fractions, and have not moved, no evidence of HCM. Kidneys show no sign of disease. Hips final graded excellent. Zelda has been retired. Her daughters Messiah and Toni will carry on her amazing Legacy!


~Rogue~ Silver Shaded Torbie

Rogue's DNA is clear. PCR's; fecal, URI swab, blood, fungal are clear. Her echocardiograms' are with no change in fractions. Kidneys are healthy, without disease. Final grade of hips good. Rogue will be retired late 2023.

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~Karma~ Silver Shaded

Karma's DNA is clear. PCRs; fecal, blood, swab, and fungal is clear. Echocardiogram factions within normal limits (next due in July 2022). Hip grade is good.


~SoulShine's Messiah~ Brown torbie mitted 

Messiah's DNA is clear. PCRs; fecal, blood, swab and fungal are clear. Echocardiogram fractions within normal limits (next is Feb 2024) kidneys are clear and show no signs of disease, nor PKD. Final grade hips excellent like her parents Gabe x Zelda. Messiah has retired, she will live her life with us.

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~Voodoo~ Black Smoke

Voodoo's DNA is clear. PCR's; fecal, blood, swab and fungal are clear. Echocardiogram, final grade of hips are good, kidneys show no signs of PKD. Voodoo will retire from our program in late 2023.

Our Upcoming Queens

SoulShine's Spring Lotus Lily, "Lily"

             Lily is out of Gabe X Karma, Silver Shaded
Lily's DNA is clear. PCRs; Fecal, blood, swab and fungal are clear. Echocardiogram shows no signs of HCM, kidney and preliminary hips are good. Next scheduled for Feb 2024

JustCoons Blue Balou of SoulShine, "BB"

B.B. is a blue tortie with white.
Pcrs; fecal, blood, swabs and fungal are clear. DNA is clear. Echo showed no signs of HCM, kidneys look good no signs of PKD, Hips look good, next tests scheduled for July 2024

SoulShine's Colored in Chaos, "Chaos"

Chaos is out of Messiah x Lynx. black tortie with white. 
PCRs, fecal, blood, swab and fungal are clear. DNA is clear. Echo, kidney, hips pending late 2023

SoulShine's I Would Give You the Moon, "Toni"

Toni is out of Gabe x Zelda. Blue silver torbie.
PCRs are clear; fecal, blood, swab and fungal. DNA is clear. 
Echo, Kidney, hips pending late 2023


SoulShine's Silver Springs, "Nixx"

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